Loading Events
  • Name
    Silke Otto-Knapp
  • Title
  • Category
  • Date
    Nov 17 – Jan 20, 2018
  • Location
    Midway Contemporary Art (527 SE Second Ave)
  • Opening Reception

    Friday, November 17, 6 – 8pm

  • Press Text
Bühnenbilder, installation view. Left: Group (Walking), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 67 x 47 ¼ inches. Right: Bühnenbild 1, 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 67 x 47 ¼ inches.
Group (Walking), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 67 x 47 ¼ inches.
Bühnenbild 1, 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 67 x 47 ¼ inches.
Bühnenbilder, installation view.
Bühnenbilder, installation view.
Bühnenbilder, installation view. Foreground: Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable. Background: Schattentheater (Chalk circles), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 ¼ inches each, 5 parts.
Bühnenbilder, installation view. Left: Stage (after Kurt Schwitters), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 inches each, 5 parts. Right: Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Stage (after Kurt Schwitters), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 inches each, 5 parts.
Stage (after Kurt Schwitters), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 inches each, 5 parts.
Bühnenbilder, installation view.
Bühnenbilder, installation view.
Bühnenbilder, installation view. Left: Schattentheater (Chalk circles), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 ¼ inches each, 5 parts. Right: Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Schattentheater (Chalk circles), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 ¼ inches each, 5 parts.
Bühnenbilder, installation view.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, installation view. Background: Schattentheater (Chalk circles), 2017. Watercolor on canvas. 69 x 47 ¼ inches each, 5 parts. Foreground: Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with mono print and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with mono print and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with mono print and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with mono print and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, detail, 2017. Panels with mono print and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.
Bühnenbilder, 2017. Panels with monoprint and watercolor collage on paper. Dimensions variable.

Images 2 and 3 courtesy Regen Projects, Los Angeles.
Image 9 courtesy the artist and Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York/Rome.
All other images © Midway Contemporary Art; photos by Caylon Hackwith.