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  • Name
    Tetsuya Yamada
  • Title
    Shallow River
  • Category
  • Date
    Oct 6 – Dec 1, 2022
  • Location
    Midway Contemporary Art (1509 NE Marshall Street)
  • Opening Reception

    Thursday, October 6, 5 – 7pm

  • Exhibition Catalog

  • Description

    Midway is pleased to present Shallow River, an exhibition of recent sculptures by Tetsuya Yamada. A publication with a text by Alan Longino will accompany the exhibition and be available to viewers visiting the gallery. Shallow River will remain on view through December 1st with regular hours Wednesday – Saturday, from 11am – 5pm.


    A good poem is one in which the form of the verse, and the joining of its two parts, seem light as a shallow river flowing over its sandy bed.

    – Matsuo Bashō


    Tetsuya Yamada studied ceramics at Tamagawa University in Tokyo and received his MFA from Alfred University (NY). He is a Professor in the Department of Art at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Yamada’s work is included in the collections of the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Portland Museum of Art, and the Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia. He has exhibited his work and participated in artist residencies both nationally and internationally. In 2020, Yamada presented Waiting at the Hmongtown Marketplace in St. Paul as part of Midway’s Off-Site series.

Shallow River, installation view.
Untitled, 2019. Ceramic and wood. 23 x 23 x 23 inches.
Shallow River, installation view.
Seating Sculptures, 2018. Ceramic. Dimensions variable.
Shallow River, installation view.
A series from the River (1-9), detail, 2021. Branches, rope, fired clay. Dimensions variable.
Shallow River, installation view.
Form of the Verse (1-4), detail, 2019. Ceramic. Dimensions variable.
Shallow River, installation view.
Left: Model for Skatepark 1, 2021. Fired clay. 18.5 x 16.5 x 2.5 inches. Right: Model for Skatepark 2, 2021. Fired clay. 19.75 x 16.75 x 2.75 inches.
Shallow River, installation view.

Images © Midway Contemporary Art; photos by Caylon Hackwith.